Sunday, December 17, 2006

Another White House Enemeies List

Talk about Deja vu all over again!

The Washington Note:

John Bolton when he served as Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security was famous for pounding intelligence officials hard until they coughed up intel reports and 'frames' that fit the political objectives he had in mind.

The practice of politicizing intelligence in the Bush White House seems to be continuing with 'friends lists' and 'enemies lists' determining who should be rewarded or punished in the 'secrets-clearing process' in cases where former goverment officials publish materials on U.S. foreign policy debates.

In an unprecedented case, the White House National Security Council staff has insinuated itself into a 'secrets-clearing' process normally overseen by the CIA Publications Review Board which screens the written work of former government officials to make sure that state secrets don't find their way into the op-ed pages of the New York Times, Washington Post, or in other of the nation's leading papers, journals, and books.

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