Monday, January 22, 2007

The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11

Who would know where to start? People, like this jackass, just leave me sputtering!

This man is either a blathering idiot or he is an agitator for civil war in this country. Who publishes crap like this?

The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11 - By Dinesh D'Souza. - Books - Review - New York Times:

At first Dinesh D’Souza considered him “a dark-eyed fanatic, a gun-toting extremist, a monster who laughs at the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians.” But once he learned how Osama bin Laden was viewed in the Muslim world, D’Souza changed his mind. Now he finds bin Laden to be “a quiet, well-mannered, thoughtful, eloquent and deeply religious person.” Despite being considered a friend of the Palestinians, he “has not launched a single attack against Israel.” We denounce him as a terrorist, but he uses “a different compass to assess America than Americans use to assess him.” Bin Laden killed only 3,000 of us, with “every victim counted, every death mourned, every victim’s family generously compensated.” But look what we did in return: many thousands of Muslims dead in Afghanistan and Iraq, “and few Americans seem distressed over these numbers.”

Isn't it interesting that the people who do care about the deaths of inncoent Muslims are the very liberals this man blames for 9/11, not the other right-wing nutjobs like him?

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