Sunday, January 21, 2007

Iarq war: Stupidity or Treason

Ah, we see that someone else is thinking like us.

When people can get rich(er) and retain almost absolute power from "blunders,: why not just keep making them? No one ever got locked up on a charge of stupid.

Can we spell NO-BID CONTRACTS?

So, how so we prove treason?

This Can't Be Happening!:

Was Iraq War a `Blunder' or Was It Treason?

New Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), is calling President Bush's invasion of Iraq a 'stark blunder' and says that his new scheme to send 21,500 more troops into the mess he created is just digging the hole deeper.

I wonder though.

It seems ever more likely to me that this whole mess was no blunder at all.

People are wont to attribute the whole thing to lack of intelligence on the president's part, and to hubris on the part of his key advisers. I won't argue that the president is a lightweight in the intellect department, nor will I dispute that Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and that whole neocon gang have demonstrably lacked the virtues of reflection and humility. But that said, I suspect that the real story of the Iraq War is that Bush and his gang never really cared whether they actually would 'win' in Iraq. In fact, arguably, they didn't really want to win.

What they wanted was a war.

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