Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Republican v. Republican

Rethugs are eating one another....

Always looking for a litttle good news. - Republican v. Republican:

"For years, progressives have gazed across the aisle with envy at their conservative counterparts, admiring their unity, their message discipline, their lack of public infighting and the harmonious chorus that emits from the halls of their movement. Though there have always been as many conservative factions as progressive factions, the wings of the right, the business interests, the religious right, the gun nuts, the anti-government forces, all found ways to work together for their common goals.

But not anymore. As Republicans everywhere back away from a leader with the presidential equivalent of leprosy, low approval ratings and little reasonable prospect for bringing them back up, a passel of GOP senators jockeys for the 2008 nomination, thinking only of their own futures. Meanwhile, the coalition's factions grow discontented with the limited fruits of one-party rule and worry about the potential waning of their influence. The post-Bush era in conservative politics is already here, and it isn't pretty. But while the factions vie for supremacy, they find their feet stuck in the tar of their own corruption.

No one individual is more responsible for the conservative unity of the past few years than Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform, who has spent decades building and riding herd on what he calls the 'leave-us-alone coalition.'

But Norquist, it turns out, was knee-deep in the corrupt schemes of his old friend Jack Abramoff. Among other things, Norquist served as a money launderer between Abramoff and former Christian Coalition head Ralph Reed in a fight pitting one casino-owning Indian tribe against another. Abramoff had his Indian clients donate to ATR, and Norquist in turn passed the money to the Alabama Christian Coalition, which was fighting a casino plan with"

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