Friday, April 21, 2006

Why a strong economy is no GOP asset |

No economy looks very good when we know that fuel prices could soar out of control any day, and people could not afford the gas to drive to the jobs they have.

Besides that, we know that the numbers coming out of Washington aren't any more likely to be true than anything else they have said.

Why a strong economy is no GOP asset

"First, there's general concern about globalization and its effect on American manufacturing jobs,' says GOP pollster Whit Ayres. 'We see low unemployment, but the headlines are dominated by the thousands being laid off by General Motors and Ford.'

Underlying that, he adds, is concern about healthcare and being able to afford and keep health insurance if something happens to one's job. The latest run-up in gasoline prices also doesn't help the Republican-led government in Washington, even if there's little it can do in the short term about that.
Independent pollster John Zogby sees the public's skepticism over the economy as part of a larger picture of overall concern over the direction of the nation and a president struggling to recapture Americans' confidence. 'It's not just the economy,' he says. 'If we were at peace or the war was going well or there was confidence in other areas, then the economic news could be bolstered and people could begin to feel better.'"

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