Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Howard Kurtz, Unreliable Source

Howie Kurtz has never been credible. Now we know why, or at least one of the reasons

Howard Kurtz, Unreliable Source:

"I'm writing at 35,000 feet over the Atlantic. Lufthansa is now offering wireless internet on board the airplane, and the connection is amazing. Anyway, it is time to blow the whistle on Howie Kurtz and his hypocrisy. Kurtz, the media reporter for the Washington Post, tries to present the persona of the objective journalist. But a review of his pieces shows a decided tilt to the right and a tendency to be an apologist for the Republican administration. Why is that?

It's all about love. You see, Howie's wife, Sheri Annis, is a Republican consultant/activist. I don't begrudge the lady making a living. I just think it is important that Howie disclose his conflict of interest on this front. Yes, Howie's wife is fair game. She is not undercover. She is not doing classified work. But, she is carrying water for the Republican party and little Howie is more than willing to drink from that cup. Hey, as someone who has been married for 30 years, I fully understand the power of the wife.

I first dealt with Howie when he wrote the story on Robert Greenwald's documentary, 'Outfoxed.'

Howie, acting as a journalist, wrote the following diatribe: "

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