Sunday, May 28, 2006

Kerry Pressing and I understand

Sorry, I just can't quite get over this today.

I look at this picture of Kerry and my eyes fill with tears; tears of compassion and rage.

I don't know. Maybe I am losing my mind.

I know John Kerry, though I doubt that he would remember me.

John Kerry is not a liar.

What he says is the truth, and it is a blight on our nation that he actually has to say it, again.

I am not saying that I think that Kerry should be cannonized.

Far from it.

John Kerry is a human being, just like the rest of us.

The people who attacked his service record are not like the rest of us. At least, they are not like me or my friends and family.

I have to say it.

I love John Kerry.

That is a statement that has nothing to do with politics.

What's more, I love Theresa Kerry.

I think I could well get into a fist fight about either one of them.

Do I want John Kerry to run for president again?

No. Probably not. No, I would rather vote for Gore.

Plus, I would hate to have to go to jail for kicking the crap out of John O'Neil or that idiot tabloid reporter who had Theresa in his sites.

I will, Trust me on that.

Kerry Pressing Swift Boat Case Long After Loss - New York Times

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