Sunday, May 28, 2006

Kerry Pressing Swift Boat Case Long After Loss - New York Times

What I remember mostly about the Swiftbaot of fools is that John O'Neil looked as though he had not drawn a sober breath in 40 years.

He was on a talk show, back during the campaign of 2004, and though I remember the debate between O'Neil and Kerry all those many years ago, very well, I would not have recognized O'Neil had he not been introduced.

Kerry, other than his graying hair, looks pretty much the same as he did then.

The other thing I remember from watching O'Neil, sit on that talk show an lie about Kerry's service. is that it was a good thing I couldn't get my hands on the SOB, because if I had he would have thought he was back in Vietnam, and he would sure have a few more things to drink about, like getting the crap kicked out of him by a 57 year old woman.!

Kerry Pressing Swift Boat Case Long After Loss - New York Times:

"Three decades after the Vietnam War and nearly two years after Mr. Kerry's failed presidential bid, most Americans have probably forgotten why it ever mattered whether he went to Cambodia or that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth accused him of making it all up, saying he was dishonest and lacked patriotism.

But among those who were on the front lines of the 2004 campaign, the battle over Mr. Kerry's wartime service continues, out of the limelight but in some ways more heatedly, because unlike then, Mr. Kerry has fully engaged in the fight. Only those on Mr. Kerry's side, however, have gathered new evidence to support their case.

The Swift boat group continues to spend money on Washington consultants, according to public records, and last fall it gave $100,000 to a group that promptly sued Mr. Kerry, a Democratic senator from Massachusetts, for allegedly interfering with the release of a film that was critical of him. "

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