Saturday, June 03, 2006

| Santorum calls marriage amendment an opportunity to end 'we should treat people nicely' approach

So, Little Ricky says we should get beyond the idea that we must treat people nicely, eh? How freakin' Christian of him!

Well, I will say one thing, I have about come to the same conclusion; except for differnt reasons.

It is Mr. Santorum and his ilk, who cause me to get passed the idea that we must be polite to people who are, apparently, insane and hide it behind their religiosity.

How did it come to this? How did we become a nation of people with a twice elected leader who tells other leaders around the world that God talks to him? Not only does God talk to him, but God says some pretty psychotic stuff. God tells him who to bomb.

What's more, how did we become a nation too tolerant to ask for a psychiatric exam of anyone who says such things, let alone someone with the biggest arsenal on Earth.

So, Ricky, I agree with you. We need to get beyond being polite, especially with people like you.

The Raw Story Santorum calls marriage amendment an opportunity to end 'we should treat people nicely' approach:

"While Parshall and Santorum acknowledged the FMA's bleak prospect of passing a full Senate vote, Parshall cast the bill as an attempt to 'speak back to the culture.' Santorum agreed, declaring that the debate over the FMA would be 'an opportunity for us to get beyond, you know, 'We should treat people nicely.'''

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