Friday, May 26, 2006

News From Underground: BushCo lays the groundwork for this year's electoral rip-off

Here We Go Again!

Grab the Barf Bag!

It's Going Top Be A Bumpy Ride.

News From Underground: BushCo lays the groundwork for this year's electoral rip-off:

BushCo lays the groundwork for this year's electoral rip-off

This is not the time for Dems to count their chickens. Rather, it is time-- past time--for them to stop their clucking and get down, finally, to their proper patriotic business. Notwithstanding Bush & Co.'s abysmal numbers nowadays, the regime will attempt to steal it once again; and, as sure as shootin', the stalwarts of the Fourth Estate will, once more, go along with it, as long as the regime has done the necessary pre-propaganda (which is what we see right here):

'If Republicans retain Congress in November, Bush advisers note, he could assert that for the third straight election, the party defied historical patterns and popular predictions.'

Any Dem who thinks the regime won't dare try to steal it, and/or that the press will not abet such theft (again), is living full-time on that mighty river in old Egypt. Here and now on Planet Earth, the facts are staring us all right in the face (again). So the Democrats had better face that possibility, and, at long last, deal with it."

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