Sunday, July 09, 2006

Signs of Life in Congress

We will believe it when we see it.

The GOP led congress had better give Justice Kennedy's concuring opinion on Hamdi v. Rumsfeld a very close read and they had better listen to the American people, the mlitary lawyers and people like John McCain on this business of doing just as we damn well please in ths situation.

War crimes have been committed. Does the congress really want to try to legalize war crimes. That is the very defintion of Nazi Germany.

See, Congresscritters, here is the deal; we will not tolerate it! We mean that. Neither this president, nor this country, is above the law. Anyone who insists that they are above the law and is therefore not covered by law, sooner or later, by one means or the other, will find themselves to be the victim of their own insistance.

If the law does not apply to one person's actions, then it cannot apply to another person's actions against that person who puts himself above the law and does things that are injurious to others.

Self-defense is still recognized as a reason for dealing with lawless people.

Signs of Life in Congress - New York Times:

Congress, which is supposed to push back against executive attempts to amass overweening power, has hardly played its proper role when it comes to George W. Bush. In the past, when evidence arose that the president had overstepped his authority, the Congressional response was generally to look for ways to make whatever Mr. Bush did retroactively legal. But the Supreme Court's decision on the Guantanamo Bay detention camp seems to have jolted even some of the most loyal Republicans back to reality. They are vowing that this time, they will not merely rubber-stamp presidential overreaching. Soon, Americans will get a sense of how seriously to take this newfound spine.

The court ruled, in a decision so strong that it sent shock waves through Washington, that Mr. Bush violated the Geneva Conventions and American law when he created commissions to try detainees outside established judicial procedure. The court rejected Mr. Bush's claim of a power to handle prisoners any way he wants and said it was up to Congress to set rules.

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