Wednesday, July 12, 2006

U.S. May Want More Bank Data on All Americans

This is crazy.

Listen to what they are saying. They want banking data on every American who has ever sent a wire transfer over-seas, regardless of ties to terrorism.

We would hope that they are investigating corporate crime and tax evasoion schemes, but we sure as hell won't hold our breath.

Oh, by the way, if the preznit wants to see all of our banking records, we want to see the records for Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait and Israel, just to name a few.

Sorry, we don't believe this is being done to track terrorist funding.

U.S. May Want More Bank Data - Los Angeles Times:

WASHINGTON - The Bush administration is considering requiring U.S. banks, for the first time, to inform the government of all their customers' international wire transfers, regardless of possible terrorist ties, a Treasury Department official said Tuesday.

Such mandatory reporting would mark a major expansion of the government's efforts to comb financial data to fight terrorism and other international crimes. Depending on how the program is structured, it could mean that banks would be forced to turn over data on millions of transactions that they are now required to keep secret.

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