Thursday, July 06, 2006

While the Bushites try to create another new reality, where are the Democrats?

Truthdig - Reports - Robert Scheer: Will the Real Democrats Please Stand Up?:

"Time for yet another Bush Iraq photo op. Heck, the last one, when the president popped into the liberated Green Zone to once again proclaim a turning point in his obviously endless war, worked so well that he went up five points in some opinion polls.

No matter that the government in Baghdad is as dysfunctional and powerless as ever, that the rate of U.S. and Iraqi deaths has climbed since Bush's visit, that the war is on a trajectory to cost significantly more than $1 trillion, and that the American flag is desecrated by examples of rape, murder and torture. Most of the world acknowledges that the U.S. presence in Iraq is part of the problem, not the solution, but the facts on the ground matter not at all to the Bushites for whom 'staying the course' in Iraq is perceived as a winning electoral strategy at home. "

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