Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Anti-gay church hounds military funerals

Yes, this is the kind of thing we have to tolerate in a nation that believes in free speech, and I most certainly do.

We have had to tolerate the Klan, the John Birch Society and a number of other hateful, exculusive clubs for the criminally insane, not to mention the nutty commentaries of nut-jobs like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell.

There is a down-side to everthing, I suppose.

Still this is the kind of thing that makes you want to find this guy Phelps and give him a little of the hell-fire of which he seems to be so terribly fond.

Hey Fred, if people decide to persecute you, even beat the holy hell out of you, it won't have anything to do with Christ or God.

Rather, it will have to do with you alone, and your hate-filled life, you wretched snake in cleric's garb.

Guardian Unlimited The Guardian Anti-gay church hounds military funerals:

"New laws have been passed in the United States to counter the activities of a bizarre church that has been disrupting military funerals with anti-gay protests on the grounds that the soldiers died fighting for a land that tolerates homosexuality.

Since last year, the Westboro Baptist church, based in Topeka, Kansas, has been picketing funerals of soldiers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq, waving signs saying, 'Thank God for Dead Soldiers', 'Thank God for IEDs [improvised explosive devices - roadside bombs]', and 'God Hates Cripple Soldiers', while yelling that dead US troops will rot in hell."

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