Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Jomentum for war on Iran

Admittedly, Iran's prez, sounds more than a little kooky. But he is a manifestation of resistance to our Kook.

Let's not forget that.

Junior and Darth scare the hell out of people. We ought to know that, well, since they have been doing it to us since 9/11.

But the question is, is he suicidal? If he launched some kind of unprovoked attack on Israel, Iran would be Nuclear dust within the hour.

Something tells me he knows that.

So, is he suicidal? That is the question.


"Lieberman indicated that the US had learned a lesson, from both Osama bin Laden and from Adolf Hitler, to the effect that 'sometimes when people say really extreme things, which at some level a lot of people don't want to even believe... they may actually mean it. They may intend to do it. So I do think that the statements of Ahmadinejad are taken very seriously, both with regard to [speaking of a world without] the US and with regard to Israel.'"

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