Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Supremes somewhat alarmed by Bush

Any Supreme who isn't alarmed should be impeached, now, for treason against the Consitution.

village voice > news > Liberty Beat by Nat Hentoff:

"The preservation of liberty requires that the three great departments of power should be separate and distinct. James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 47.

There was celebration within George W. Bush's Republican base when he managed to appoint two justices to the Supreme Court, Samuel Alito and John Roberts, with the latter also becoming chief justice. At last, it was also widely assumed by Bush's opponents, whatever the ultimate failures of his administration, the high court had moved firmly to the right for some time to come.

This grim prospect may well prove true, but two recent events at the Supreme Court indicate strongly that regarding the most dangerous thrust of Bush's reign, his continuing, unprecedented expansion of his powers as commander in chief, the court is finally and crucially alarmed."

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