Monday, April 17, 2006

Wall Street Versus America

Just in time to remind us of who is really pulling the strings and robbing us all blind.

These folks ar far more vulnerable than the government that is their puppet.

Wall Street Versus America:

"It's not the same old recitation of corporate and Wall Street crimes that have bored generations of business school students taking their required ethics courses.
While it purports to be about Wall Street, it is in fact a biting critique of the elites that populate the Wall Street firms, regulatory agencies, law firms and newsrooms across America.

Weiss spent 18 years as a reporter at Business Week, but he never wrote with this point of view and intensity.
He doesn't much care for New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.

Or former Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairman Arthur Levitt.

Or Harvey Pitt.

Or William Donaldson.

Or the class action lawyers.

Or regulation, for that matter.

He despises the fringe microcap fraudsters as much as the more mainstream hedge fund hooligans and mutual funds rip-off artists with their excessive and hidden fees. "

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