Wednesday, May 17, 2006

False Framing of NSA Story

Out and out lies is more like it.

It's the Bushite false opposites again; Do you want to give up every right you ever had or get nuked by Osama bin Forgotten.

Say what?

That reminds me of, 'we are fighting them over there so we won't have to fight them over here.'

Reader Contribution: False Framing of NSA Story:

"The legality of the NSA snooping story is being falsely framed by its defenders, and that false frame is being repeated to bury the obvious illegality of the program. Look here:

'The president has been very clear that we are to pursue our intelligence programs within the law,' Mr. Hadley said on 'Face the Nation' on CBS. He also said that leading lawmakers in the House and the Senate had been given details of the surveillance programs.

'They have been briefed to appropriate members of the House Intelligence Committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee,' he said.

But some lawmakers said Sunday that Congress had been kept in the dark.

'There has been no meaningful Congressional oversight of these programs,' said Senator Arlen Specter, Republican of Pennsylvania and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Mr. Specter has said he will hold hearings soon with representatives from the telephone companies that turned over millions of telephone records to the N.S.A.'"

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