Thursday, May 18, 2006

Father's Message Lost on Bush


Father's Message Lost on Bush:

"In his call last night to send thousands of National Guard troops to the border between the United States and Mexico, the son once again failed to listen to the father. Bush is sending the Iraq-weary Guard to the border to mollify hardline conservatives who are building their careers around - whether they say this explicitly or not -- a brown invasion from the south.

Over the weekend, White House officials swore up and down that the United States was not militarizing the border. 'It's about assisting the civilian Border Patrol in doing their job, providing intelligence, providing support, logistics support and training and these sorts of things,' said National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley. White House counselor Dan Bartlett said the Guard 'will not have law enforcement responsibilities or powers. They will be there in a supportive role.'

If Bush insists on the Guard going to the watchtowers, let us hope that is all that happens. But the mobilization exacerbates the image of the United States as a nation that exploits the cheap labor of Mexicans and other undocumented workers while conservatives exploit the rhetoric of throwing them back across the wall. "

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