Sunday, January 29, 2006

Hagel speaks out against wiretapping

Hagel: Bush can't violate the law: Blasts Karl Rove also

Sen. Chuch Hagel was on THIS Week and blasted Karl Rove's politicization of terrorism and criticized the administration for attempting to use it to win elections:  (rough transcript)

Hagel: National Security should never be held hostage to a political party,  or a political issue or to an election-The American people expect more...

                                                     Video-WMP Video-QT

(hat tip David Edwards for the vid)

STEPHANOPOULOS: Is that what Rove is doing?

Hagel: I didn't like what Mr. Rove said because it frames terrorism...

More and more republicans are speaking out against Bush's  warrant-less eavesdropping.


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