Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Analysis: A final word from Karl Rove? - Tom Curry - MSNBC.com

Analysis: A final word from Karl Rove? - Tom Curry - MSNBC.com:

"WASHINGTON - Some Democrats have already celebrated the downfall of Karl Rove.

At a Michigan Trial Lawyers' Association dinner Saturday night in Dearborn, Mich., the group's vice president Robert Raitt announced, according to the Detroit Free Press, that President Bush's longtime strategist had just been indicted. The announcement reportedly prompted a standing ovation by the crowd of 700, which included Sen. Hillary Clinton.

Strange then that a relaxed-looking Rove, not indicted, not out on bail, and wearing a business suit, not orange prison garb -- was in person at the right-wing think tank, American Enterprise Institute Monday morning"

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