Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bush Puddle Jumps from Stunt to Stunt

The sad thing is, the Bushites have gotten away with this act for as long as they have because the enitre country is like this; all image little substance.

Our favorite image is the one of a democracy. That one is the most laughable of all at the moment.

Editorial: Bush Puddle Jumps from Stunt to Stunt:

It's so tragically ironic.

After sending even grandfathers from the National Guard to die in Iraq -- leaving our country short-handed in protecting our nation, as witnessed in Hurricane Katrina -- Rove has Bush puddle jump from one opportunistic public relations stunt to another. On Monday, he focused on the Republican demagogue issue of the moment: Mexican immigration.
We'll skip for the sake of brevity why poor Mexicans are willing to die trying to make it to the promised land, and just say that this is just another example of what a former White House staffer called the 'Mayberry Machiavellis.' It's all public relations imagery without public policy substance. That's the entire Bush Administration.

The immigration issue from our southern neighbor is a very complicated one. But the word complexity is banished from the White House. Every problem has a sound bite solution for Karl Rove, even if it actually leads to chaos and destruction."

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