Monday, May 15, 2006

Tomgram: Solnit on Our Impossible World and Welcome to It!

TomDispatch - Tomgram: Solnit on Our Impossible World and Welcome to It!:

"Last May 30th, with the help of Mark Danner, I graduated all of you (as well as a whole class of English students at Berkeley). I swore at the time that this would be 'the last commencement Tomdispatch will attend for a while.' As it happened, 'a while' turned out to be less than a calendar year -- but can I help it if the English Department at Berkeley insists on inviting Tomdispatch writers to usher its students into the cold, cold world? This year in George Bush's America, they evidently thought their graduates needed a little more encouragement than usual, and so invited the lovely, hopeful Rebecca Solnit, author of the just revised and expanded Hope in the Dark (as well as, most recently, A Field Guide to Getting Lost), to put a little glow in the air, a little bounce in the step. She delivered as ever. In fact, she delivered the following address which I just couldn't help passing on to all of you. So, for one more year, consider yourself an honorary Tomdispatch graduate of the Internet University of hard knocks, mixed metaphors, and strange analogies. Enjoy Solnit. Then shut off that computer and smell the spring air! Tom "

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