Friday, June 16, 2006

African-American Voters Scrubbed by Secret GOP Hit List Greg Palast

This is disgusting and if it doesn't stop, we ought to burn Washington and the RNC headquarters to the damn ground.

African-American Voters Scrubbed by Secret GOP Hit List Greg Palast:

"The Republican National Committee has a special offer for African-American soldiers: Go to Baghdad, lose your vote.

A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters in the last presidential election, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts.
Files from the secret vote-blocking campaign were obtained by BBC Television Newsnight, London. They were attached to emails accidentally sent by Republican operatives to a non-party website.

One group of voters wrongly identified by the Republicans as registering to vote from false addresses: servicemen and women sent overseas."

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