Sunday, June 11, 2006

Truth Is for 'Liberals'

Every news show should employ a team of fact-checkers, so that dumbass, lying statements could be revealed to be deceptive before the show ends.

Let's say that Condi appears on MTP. Tweety would hae to inform Ms. Rice that her words would be fact-checked; kinda like a politician's miranda warning.

Something like: Good morning Madam Secretary, glad you could be with us this morning. Of course, I have to advise you that fact-checkers will be checking every assertion you make and their findings will be made public by the end of our show this morning."

Or better yet, wire up the politicians and the pundits to lie detectors, the graphs of which could be shown on screen, by an independent monitoring agency.

Truth Is for 'Liberals':

"Here we are, five and a half years into the Bush Administration, and the press corps still hasn't figured out how to handle the White House's primary tactic of media management: lying. "

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