Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Disconnect, Part 2: The End of the Affair

The Disconnect, Part 2: The End of the Affair:

"A few months back, we noted the Media Research Center's disconnect on media criticism and its habit of ignoring facts inconvenient to its point of view. We cited as an example of the latter its determination to paint Chris Matthews as an unrepentant Democrat despite his history of advancing conservative talking points and saying complementary things about President Bush.

Could that be changing? A June 14 NewsBusters post by Tim Graham begins this way:

In the Clinton years, the Clintons [sic] fans loathed Chris Matthews, locating him firmly inside the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. In the Bush years, Matthews is whacked regularly by the left and by the right.

Graham then declared that Matthews was 'sounding just like another disgruntled member of' So reality-based treatment of Matthews may still be some time in coming." (Read On ^)

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