Wednesday, June 14, 2006

What we KNOW about Rove and why the press should start asking questions.

Froomkin nails it

He also gives us quite an overview of all that we DO know about Rove's behavior. It ain't prety.

The time for questions has arrived. The press and the TV news media need to do their damn jobs, or will the bloggers have to do it for them, again?

Roves attorney carefully chose his words. He did not say that Rove had been cleared of wrong-doing nor did he say that he was innocent. He said only that Fitzgerald's office does not plan to indict Rove and that he plans no further comment on anything.

Why is he not singing from the rooftops that his client is purer than the driven snow? Because he isn't?

But, since Rover is no longer in criminal jeopardy, for the Plame leak, at least, there is nothing keeping Wilson from filing a civil suit.

That is one way of getting to the truth. I doubt seriously that we can depend on the media or the press.

White House Briefing -- News on President George W Bush and the Bush Administration:

"The White House has long maintained -- spuriously, I might add -- that the ongoing criminal investigation precluded them from answering any questions even vaguely related to Rove's conduct.

Now, without charges against Rove in the offing, the media should demand answers to a slew of questions. The overriding issue: Just because Rove wasn't charged with a crime doesn't mean his conduct meets the standards the public expects from its White House.

If Rove was irresponsibly lax with classified information, if he intentionally misled the press, the press secretary and the president, if he conspired with fellow White House aides to punish someone who spoke out against the president -- all of which appears to be the case -- what is he still doing serving as the president's most trusted aide?"

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