Saturday, June 17, 2006

We are losing the fight for honest media..

No Shit, Sherlock, and the nation loses right along with us.

"Some e-mailers and friends have asked why I didn't attend some of the recent progressive conferences, like 'Take Back America' or the 'Yearly Kos Convention', where media was on the agenda. The short answer is that I have been to progressive meetings in the past where media was discussed, and almost nothing gets done.

As the Right has built up a vertically integrated media infrastructure that stretches from newspapers, magazines and books to talk radio, cable news and well-funded Internet sites, wealthy liberals mostly have sat on their hands. Even now, as the Right expands that infrastructure horizontally down to state, district and local levels, with ominous portents for Election 2006, well-heeled liberals remain mostly passive.
And this pattern has been going on for years." (Read On ^)

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