Thursday, June 15, 2006

Our Flag and Our Freedom

This is about the most obnoxious thing I have ever heard.

It just so happens that a flag that has touched dirt or in some other become soiled and unseemly is supposed to be burned, in order to decommission it, so to speak.

Our flag, as of late, been soiled with the blood of innocents. It should be burned.

At least, it should be flown upside down as a sign of distress, as the Democracy for which it stands is on life-support, barely.

Our Flag and Our Freedom:

"With campaigns at full tilt and the Fourth of July just around the corner, the Senate's new priority is to debate and vote on yet another resolution to amend our remarkable Constitution. This time it's an amendment that would allow Congress to prohibit a form of protest that a large majority of Americans do not like: the burning or desecration of the American flag. Since 1989, when the Supreme Court decided unanimously and correctly that these rare, unpleasant demonstrations are expressions of speech and therefore protected by the First Amendment, there have been many such attempts. Fortunately, all have failed.

Unfortunately, enthusiasm for this amendment appears to have grown even as flag-burning incidents have vanished as a means of political protest. The last time I saw an image of the U.S. flag being desecrated in this way was nearly 20 years ago, when the court issued its decision. Thus this amendment -- never appropriate in the oldest democracy on earth -- has become even less necessary. But necessity is not always the mother of legislation."

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