Thursday, September 14, 2006

President Bush's Reality (isn't)

How can we fend of a civil war that already exists.

President Bush�s Reality - New York Times:

Fending off the chaos that would almost certainly come with civil war would be a reason to stay the course, although it does not inspire the full-throated rhetoric about freedom that Mr. Bush offered last night. But the nation needs to hear a workable plan to stabilize a fractured, disintegrating country and end the violence. If such a strategy exists, it seems unlikely that Mr. Bush could see it through the filter of his fantasies.

It's hard to figure out how to build consensus when the men in charge embrace a series of myths. Vice President Dick Cheney suggested last weekend that the White House is even more delusional than Mr. Bush's rhetoric suggests. The vice president volunteered to NBC's Tim Russert that not only was the Iraq invasion the right thing to do, 'if we had it to do over again, we'd do exactly the same thing.'

It is a breathtaking thought. If we could return to Sept. 12, 2001, knowing all we have seen since, Mr. Cheney and the president would march right out and 'do exactly the same thing' all over again. It will be hard to hear the phrase 'lessons of Sept. 11' again without contemplating that statement.

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