Friday, December 29, 2006

Bush and Rove Blew the Election on Purpose?

Honestly, cannot say that it hasn't crossed our minds; this idea that elections were thrown in order to Nixonize the Dems or accuse them, for all eternity, of losing the criminal war in Iraq, as if winning at a criminal enterprise is a good thing.

These are, indeed, paranoid times, and with good reason. The Bushites specialize in spreading paranoia for political gain, not to mention Moolah (not to be confused with Mullah) and never-ending authoritarian power. (Same thing these days, eh, Mr. Rove?)

There were more comments than I can count from Rethug political operatives, immediately after the election, saying that this election was really meaningless in the authoritarians' struggle (Jihad?) for permanent power in this country, not to mention NeoCon power all over the planet:

Just a slight bump in the road they said; and it could be a damned useful one, as well, we say.

So, take off your tin foil hats and put on your thinking caps. How can we, the people, turn this election outcome, no matter its source, to our own advantage? Isn't that what Democracy is, after all?

That's the question. How can we make this past election a victory for the people, not any party, per se?

Karl Rove, and we have studied him for while, is not capable of real wisdom, because he has a hateful heart. He is capable, in spades, of very effective conspiracies, always against Democrats and their supporters. (Hasn't shown any ability, whatsoever, when it comes to conspiracies against real terrorists.)

Karl is a little like a political, idiot savant, not a genius as one normally thinks of the word..

Mostly, Karl is a Party-man (political, that is); not so much because he really cares about the GOP, especially my father's GOP, but because it is the only instrument available to him to eff up the people he hates the most: Democrats.

No, not Al Qaida, but the Democrats and of course "libruls" and their uppity cousins, the progressives.

Karl sees, in his enemy, all of the character traits which exist in him, albeit in a really twisted manifestation.

Out of all the recorded statements of Mr. Rove, there was one I shall never forget:

I can't repeat it word for word, as my cranium imploded, shortly after I heard it on C-Span. But it can't be all that hard to dig up, should one want to and not take my word for it. Never the less, it went something like this:

Liberals want to treat terrorists as criminals; they want to get a warrant, indictments and give them due process in a court of law.

Liberals also would like to give people like Osama bin Laden psychotherapeutic treatment of some kind.

After each of these misspoken descriptions of "librul," if not Democratic, beliefs and attitudes, Rove received applause and laughter from his cheerleaders in whatever controlled environment he was speaking from; I forget (remember the annoying cranial implosion.)

Damn good thing he was in a controlled environment, and a long way from me. I might have been sorely tempted to break my own life-code and slap him into the next age.

Instead, please allow me to assure Mr. Rove, that contrary to his belief, and those of many who laugh at his asinine jokes and mis-comprehensions of those of us who are, at least, slightly to the Right of Atilla the Hun; we are a lot tougher and stronger than he might think, and in ways he has no way of understanding.

Number 1: Mr. Rove is dealing with people who would not be thought of as liberal, under its current mis-definition, in most places around the country.

Number 2: Mr. Rove does not understand most Liberals and Progressives as well as he thinks he does.

Memo to Mr. Rove, spiritual son of Richard M. Nixon and biological son of a drag queen:

You are very correct in assuming that we would like nothing better than a few real indictments of the people who really planned and/or were complicit, in any way in the events of 9/11 and the anthrax attacks. As a matter of fact, many of us have not taken our eye off the ball, for one moment, where justice for those folks are concerned.

We want every last one of them caught, indicted and brought to justice in a criminal court, post haste, unless they choose death by fighting justice until there own death is inevitable. It that is their desire, so be it. We do not, however, wish them dead.

We want then alive and as comprehending as they possibly can be. We want them treated in a civil manner, not out of weakness, but out of a type of strength, I fear you, Mr. Rove, will never understand,.

This brings me to just one of the reasons we do not want them tortured to the point where nothing they have said or will say can be held against them or any other conspirator. That is a reason you, in your hateful little mind, should understand.

The other reason, of course, is because we really believe in the Golden Rule, which can be found in every major and minor world religion or true spiritual tradition, ancient or modern.

Even the dreaded secularists understand the Golden Rule.

(The only people who do not understand it, or think they can break it, willy-nilly, for an ideological or dogmatic agenda, without consequence, are sociopaths and other deeply psycho-pathological people.)

Which brings us to the co-called Liberal belief in psychotherapy and the healing of the human mind and heart.

I can't speak for all Liberals, Progressives, Democrats or, even, independents and moderates, so I shall speak, now, only for myself.

Anyone found to be involved in the events of 9/11 and/or the anthrax attacks, should be treated for psychological disorder, if not disease, right after they are locked away, so they can no longer pose a threat to themselves or others.

Who the hell are we, Mr. Rove, to deny anyone the chance at redemption? God doesn't.

We claim that we believe in redemption, yet we are quite willing to deny any chance of it to a fellow human being. Either we believe in the power of redemption or we don't. We can't have it both ways.

Now, "redemption" in no way entails a lack of civil and criminal liability and accountability, for a person's acts or behavior, which can be shown to intentionally or negligently inflict on others death, loss of family and loved ones, dismemberment, theft, severe psychological damage and the like.

We are not talking about absolution, which has never been in the sphere of mental health professionals, but remains a province the Divine and its operatives on earth; priests and the like. Such absolution is BS if you ask me, without real redemption, which has to do with behavior, not words, and requires time.

Yes. Mr. Rove, I would volunteer my time to engage in a psychotherapeutic relationship with Osama bin Laden, but I would not ever suggest that he be released back into any society, provided he is ever captured and if it can be proven that he did what he is accused of doing.

The same holds true for people who deceive a nation into backing mass murder of innocents for political gain or power grabs.

Do you understand me, Mr. Rove?

Bush and Rove Blew the Election on Purpose?:

Bush and Rove Blew the Election on Purpose?
Asks Will Bunch of The Philadelphia Daily News, while admitting it's a 'tin-foil hat' conspiracy theory. But after a few drinks, you may start to wonder about it. How else to explain, for example, not firing Rumsfeld sooner?

By Greg Mitchell

(November 12, 2006) -- He might have been kidding, but the more you read and think about it, the more it provides a plausible explanation for the wholesale White House bungling in the closing weeks of this year’s campaign: Bush and Rove blew the midterms on purpose. How else to accept that the normally hapless Democrats not only won, but as the president put it, “thumped”?

Okay, even reporter/blogger Will Bunch of The Philadelphia Daily News, who concocted the idea -- likening it to “The Producers” plot to engineer a flop -- revealed that he had to put on his tin-foil hat first. I admit, I still don’t believe it one bit.

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