Monday, December 25, 2006

Lynne Cheney longs for a Jutice System that doesn't apply to Republicans

Libby has done good things in his life, therefore, he should not be tried for perjury, and to do so reflects badly on our Justice system. Yep, that's what Maddam Vice had to say.

Hey, Lynne, does that apply to everyone? How about Bill Clinton? He has done good things in his life, too.

As a matter of fact, I would suggest that the vast majority of Americans have done some good in their lives, probably, even you. Should we all be allowed to lie in a court of law, or to the FBI, just because we have done good things in our lives? How many free passes should we get?

I might have missed it, but I have never heard you say that Clinton should not have been impeached over perjury, especially a kind of perjury which is so rountinely committed in this nation's family courts that it is almost never even charged, let alone taken to trial.

Both Clinton and Libby were public servants when they were charged with perjury.

Bill Clinton just happened to be the POTUS, so the charge of perjury, a lie about adultery, led to a constitutional crisis, and so distracted the nation that few Americans even knew who Osama bin Laden was, on the morning of 9.11.01, even though he was a Saudi Gazillionaire who had openly declared war on the U.S.

Libby, on the other hand, lied about a gross abuse of power, perpertrated, at least in part, by your husband; an all out effort to "get" a critic of administration's lies that have led to hundreds of thousands of deaths in a criminal invasion and occupation of another country.

Can you honestly say that you believe that Libby should walk free, while Bill Clinton was impeached for a matter of far less concern to the well-being of this nation?

Think Progress » Lynne Cheney: Putting Scooter Libby On Trial ‘Does Not Reflect Well On Our Judicial System’:

Scooter Libby, the former Chief of Staff for Vice President Cheney, has been charged with “obstruction of justice, lying to the FBI and committing perjury before a grand jury.” His trial is scheduled to start in January. Libby’s lawyers plan 'to call Cheney as a witness.'

Yesterday on Fox News, Lynne Cheney, the wife of the Vice President, described Libby as “a man who spent a great deal of his life as a dedicated public servant who’s done an awful lot of good.” Ms. Cheney said putting Libby on trial “does not reflect well on our judicial system. Watch it ^

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