Thursday, May 24, 2007

Patriots for Al Gore Statement Regarding The Assault On Reason

We add our humble, but angry voice to that of the growing chorus:


Political Cortex: Patriots for Al Gore Statement Regarding The Assault On Reason:

Patriots for Al Gore, a PAC dedicated to supporting the endeavors of the Honorable Al Gore, writes this press release to announce our pleasure at the release of Mr. Gore's new book, The Assault on Reason. We hope that its context and important message brings about the dialogue necessary in this country across all lines that must be engaged in, in order to bring back respect for our Constitution and Democracy, and an urgency that will reignite a spirit long dead and gone.

We are indeed grateful to Mr. Gore for his truthful words, his visionary concepts, and his unrelenting stewardship to our country and this planet that sees beyond the black and white talking points of a complicit media that has neglected its duty for profit, the politics of fear of a deceptive government too beholding to all that is the antithesis to true representative democracy, and an all too apathetic people willing to ignore both for their own entertainment.

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