Thursday, May 24, 2007

Protecting America

We are all the victims of a huge protection racket worthy of RICO charges.

Al Capone would be proud.

Protecting America | Capitol Hill Blue:

It is often the case that those who claim to be protecting our nation are the very most dangerous threats to the people and the principles upon which this nation was founded. Among the greatest of those threats are fundamentalism and globalism.

There is no political will to confront either so what we hear about are false issues and what we get instead of leadership is posturing and platitudes.

With little public discussion or awareness, Democratic leadership has announced an agreement about upcoming trade negotiations without bothering to let any of us in on the contents of that agreement. What is really going on is that the Democrats are positioning themselves to get an infusion of cash for the elections of 2008 from big business just as the Republicans have done during their return to power in the past 15 years.

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