Tuesday, April 25, 2006

After Quitting A.F.L.-C.I.O., Group Suggests Reunion of Sorts - New York Times

While they are at it, they may want to think about a third party.

After Quitting A.F.L.-C.I.O., Group Suggests Reunion of Sorts - New York Times:

"The coalition of unions that broke away from the A.F.L.-C.I.O. has asked that federation to join it in creating a third union federation that would concentrate on political and legislative efforts.

But the federation's president, John J. Sweeney, dismissed the idea, mocking the 'obvious irony of a proposal to essentially recreate the A.F.L.-C.I.O. as it existed prior to' the decision by the service employees and three other unions to break away last year.

Anna Burger, the president of Change to Win, the federation of breakaway unions, wrote to Mr. Sweeney two weeks ago to propose forming a new federation, which she said should be called the Alliance for Worker Justice.

'Several important pending issues, including immigration, health care, retirement security, labor law reform and the looming 2006 election cycle,' Ms. Burger wrote, 'make it imperative that we coordinate our strategies and resources in the interests of all working people in this country.' "

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