Saturday, August 12, 2006

Brain Food for the Body Politic

The jackasss in the halls of power in D.C (and other countries) are simply evil. They are neither conservative nor liberal, progressive nor libertarian.

They are the greatest danger the modern world has ever faced.

Political Cortex: Brain Food for the Body Politic:

We've all seen it. That smug little smirk on the face of Donald Rumsfeld as he addresses lesser mortals. That irritating two beat giggle that terminates a Bush sentence. That endless grin of Alberto Gonzales as he lies over and over. That look of air-headed superiority is the natural face of Conservatism -- the face that says they're right, you're wrong, and facts aren't even an issue.

If there's anything that conservatives are sure about it's, well, everything. They've been convinced for decades that they were the bearers of the secret flame, the guardians of truth, the holders of all the cards.

So what do you think will happen now that every single thing they've done has ended in utter disaster? Do you think they'll start to doubt themselves?

Buddy, you never met a conservative.

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