Saturday, August 12, 2006

Busheviks Wanted to Cut Money to Protect Us from Liquid Explosives! | BuzzFlash

Sounds like the Bushites are once again hoping a terrorist event happens.

Busheviks Wanted to Cut Money to Protect Us from Liquid Explosives! | BuzzFlash:

As we've said before, when it comes to using fear to achieve political ends and consolidate power, the Bush Administration makes us feel like it's Groundhog Day everyday when they need some tyrannical law passed or election season is approaching.

So, in today's BuzzFlash stories, we have a number of examples of their latest efforts that are really from the same page of the same playbook that they have been using since 9/11: make the population fearful, make them think that only the Busheviks can save them, and then grab as much UnConstitutional power as Cheney and Bush can and use fear to preserve a one-party state (you know, Soviet-style.)

In Saturday's headline line-up alone, you will see that the Bush Administration wants to use the latest alleged terror threat to:

-- achieve their UnConstitutional goals for Kafkaesque Gitmo trials that the Supreme ruled against the law.

-- make their illegal NSA spying and data mining on American citizens legal (shades of the East German Stasi secret police).

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