Thursday, August 10, 2006

Rice's Hurdles on Middle East Begin at Home

NeoCons ride herd on Condi, for Cheney.

Rice�s Hurdles on Middle East Begin at Home - New York Times:

On her recent trips to the Middle East, Ms. Rice was accompanied by two men with very different outlooks on the conflict: Elliott Abrams, senior director at the National Security Council, and C. David Welch, a career diplomat and former ambassador to Egypt who is assistant secretary of state for Near East affairs.

Mr. Welch represents the traditional State Department view that the United States should serve as a neutral broker in the Middle East. Mr. Abrams, a neoconservative with strong ties to Mr. Cheney, has pushed the administration to throw its support behind Israel. During Ms. Rice's travels, he kept in direct contact with Mr. Cheney's office.

One administration official described how during the trip, including a July 29 discussion in Ms. Rice's Rabin suite at the David Citadel Hotel, with its panoramic view of Jerusalem's Old City, Mr. Welch and Mr. Abrams served as counterfoils, with Mr. Welch arguing the Arab view and Mr. Abrams articulating the Israeli stance.

Ms. Rice selected Mr. Abrams for the National Security Council staff in 2002 when she was national security adviser. His return to government service was unexpected. After President George H. W. Bush pardoned Mr. Abrams in 1992 for his role in the Iran-Contra affair during the 1980s, Mr. Abrams said he would never work as policy maker again.

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