Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Democrats Who Oppose Illegal Wars and Torture Want to Reclaim the Party

May it happen, may it happen.........because if it doesn't, I shall miss my country.

Democrats Who Oppose Illegal Wars and Torture Want to Reclaim the Party:

A grassroots revolt by voters has sparked a struggle for the party's soul, and a New England senator is in the firing line

In 1998, Connecticut's senator, Joseph Lieberman, broke ranks with his Democratic colleagues and railed against the 'premeditated' deception of the commander-in-chief. Back then the enduring legacy of this presidential deceit could be found on the dress of a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. And Lieberman, who went on to be Al Gore's vice-presidential running mate, was hopping mad. 'Such behaviour is not just inappropriate,' he told the Senate, referring to Bill Clinton's affair. 'It is immoral.'

Recently, Lieberman has been struggling with some infidelity issues of his own. Last year, he was caught in a tender embrace with one other than his wife. Worse still for Lieberman, an opponent of gay marriage, it was another man - George Bush. Bush planted 'the kiss' as he worked the Congress floor after his state of the union address. But for Democratic voters of Connecticut it might as well have been the Garden of Gethsemane.

In tomorrow's Democratic primary, Lieberman may well pay for that kiss with his job. Polls suggest he will lose the fight against a previously unknown anti-war candidate, Ned Lamont. Last week's Quinnipiac survey showed Lamont drubbing him 54% to 41% with only 5% of voters undecided. It has been a dramatic turnaround. Just three months ago, 91% of Democrats did not know enough about Lamont to make up their mind.

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