Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Joementum Ain't Going to Cut It as An "Independent" Candidate | BuzzFlash

The Senate vote from the little state of CT, heard 'round the world

Joementum Ain't Going to Cut It as An "Independent" Candidate BuzzFlash:

If the poobahs who lead the Democratic Party in D.C. (with the exception of Howard Dean who knows that it's time for a housecleaning) don't get 'it' after Ned Lamont beat the Chia
Pet Democrat for the Busheviks, they never will.

If Schumer, who heads the Democratic Senate Re-election Campaign, doesn't come out of the gate and endorse Lamont, he will doom the Democratic Party to continuing to be a minority party in Congress.

For six years, we've heard from the smug, failed leadership of Republicans and Democrats alike on Capitol Hill. Now the voters have spoken -- and it's not a message that is going to be well-received by the 'don't rock the boat' entrenched status quo Dems on Capitol Hill.

The biggest reason Lieberman was rightfully defeated was that he repeatedly supported policies of failure. The Lamont voters aren't wild-eyed love-in peaceniks. They oppose the Iraq War, for the most part, because it was founded on lies and, more importantly, it's a failure, an utter fiasco. It only persists because no one has the guts or wherewithal to stand up to the lies, thuggishness and bullying of the Bush Administration. We have a continuing war because the people who began it aren't men enough to admit their mistakes.

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