Wednesday, August 09, 2006

San Francisco Puts Impeachment on November Ballot

Hot damn, summer in the city!

Go, San Fransiscans!

San Francisco Puts Impeachment on November Ballot:

With Help From Constitution Summer, San Francisco Approves Ballot Initiative to Call for Impeachment Announcement Comes on Anniversary of Nixon Resignation

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Four City San Francisco Supervisors have put their pens to a document that will allow the city's 421,000 registered voters an up or down vote on the merits of impeaching both President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard B. Cheney this November 7th. The San Francisco Impeachment Ballot Initiative, like the Berkeley Impeachment Ballot Initiative approved on June 27th, 2006, was drafted in close coordination with Constitution Summer, a nonpartisan, national coalition of students at the nation's law schools and universities. Champaign-Urbana, Illinois quietly approved the first municipal presidential impeachment initiative in American history on April 11th, 2006.

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