Sunday, August 06, 2006

When cowards attack

All of former people in uniform ought to go after the Chickenhawks,, and see just how brave they are when confronted with people who have actually served.

I, for one, amd sick and tired of the swiftboating of people who actually served.

When cowards attack Salon:

For a political operative of such skill and smarts, Karl Rove is surprisingly predictable. Since Rove entered the White House and took control of the Republican Party, there are two things he has done in every election. He goes directly after his adversary's greatest perceived strength -- and he reveals his game plan in advance.

As this year's midterm elections approach, threatening his party's majority in both houses and possibly leaving his boss the lamest of ducks, Rove remains on the same course he charted last winter. Indeed, he announced his plan of attack in January, when he told the Republican National Committee that the 'failed resolve' of Democrats who seek to withdraw from Iraq is 'worthy of public debate,' and vowed that 'this president and this party' would not allow America to 'retreat before victory.'

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