Friday, June 22, 2007

C-SPAN shares Lamb skewers on air

Good for Brian.

Savage is....well.... savage.

C-SPAN shares Lamb skewers on air -

Michael Savage vs. Brian Lamb.

Sounds like the unlikeliest of media showdowns, right?

Well, it's happening right now, it's bloody, and Lamb is winning.

First, some quick background. Talkers magazine recently awarded Savage -- a radio host whose talk show I enjoy -- a Freedom of Speech award. Savage did not pick up the award in person at a gathering in New York. Instead, he sent a speech on DVD. C-SPAN cameras were at the conference and covered parts of it but not the taped Savage speech.

How did Savage react? By selling a DVD of the speech on his website with these messages: 'See the Speech that C-Span Banned!' and 'See the Speech Too Hot for Left-Wing C-Span!' He even posted a list of C-SPAN phone numbers and e-mail addresses, including that of C-SPAN president and CEO Lamb."

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