Saturday, June 23, 2007

Watching Those We Chose: Rudy Giuliani

As we have said before, let Rudy win the Rethug nomination!

We can't wait.

We have got the goods on this bastard, so let 'er rip.

The man is a crook!

Watching Those We Chose: Rudy Giuliani, SSDW:

Rudy's tough guy image continues to enrapture the media but his creds don't support the hype. From Media Matters -- who took CNN's Frank Sesno to task for asserting that Giuliani was 'tough on crime, taxes, and spending' without checking the facts -- I gathered a few more sources on Rudy's fiscal record as NYC's mayor.

If President Rudy behaves like Mayor Giuliani, his not-so tough budgetary mis-leadership could dive the U.S. deeper into debt. Like Bush, Rudy doesn't walk the talk.

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