Saturday, June 23, 2007

People to Bush, the GOP and the Congress: the Constitution is not Negotiable

The Existentialist Cowboy: People to Bush, the GOP and the Congress: the Constitution is not Negotiable:

Saturday, June 23, 2007
People to Bush, the GOP and the Congress: the Constitution is not Negotiable

The polls don't lie. Bush is neck and neck with Nixon for the monicker America's most hated 'President'. But Congress fares even worse. Congressional Democrats didn't get the memo: the people want the war against Iraq to end and they want it to end now; the Constitution is not negotiable; and, finally, it's stupid to create dictatorship in America while claiming that we are fighting for Democracy in Iraq. Democrats might have been in a better position but for the cave-in on funding Bush's tar baby to the tune of $100 billion. Democrats will pay the price for having made a Faustian bargain.

Bush defies Congress and the people with his every signing statement yet Congress seems strangely acquiescent. What reason have we to expect that Bush will suddenly stop defying Congress and the people? And, if he should be impeached, what reason have we to believe he will leave willingly?

The situation is surreal if not unprecedented. Although Bush enjoys the support of only about 28 percent of the American people, he faces no real Congressional opposition. What gives? I am more angry with Democrats than with the GOP.

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