Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bush Contemplates Rebirth of Dictatorship for Iraq | The Progressive

This was predictable and not at all surprising.

Bush Contemplates Rebirth of Dictatorship for Iraq The Progressive:

There was a big clue planted at the bottom of the very long lead article in The New York Times of August 17.

That story noted the alarming rise in insurgent attacks against American and Iraqi forces.

The number of IEDs in July was 2,625, just about twice what it was back in January, when Zarqawi was still prowling around.

Clearly, his death did nothing to slow the pace down or snuff out the insurgency.

The shelf life of Bush propaganda is only about one week these days.

Maybe Chalabi is waiting in the wings still, or some other Saddam wannabe.

Bush appears to be taking applications. But back to the clue.

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