Saturday, August 19, 2006

White Heat (Immigratioon is turning up the heat in unliely places)

Yes, it is no doubt going to get ugly, espeially when the anti-immigration sentiment is combined with all of the other fear and anger in this country.

All hell could be ready to break loose over here, at any time

White Heat:

Harmon sees the same mindless conformity taking hold in America. 'We've let George W. Bush do more damage than Bill Clinton and every President before him could have even thought about doing. It's all about corporations. They run this country, and they run this world. That's not a world I want to live in. But everybody just behaves like sheep.' Including those who've supported the war in Iraq. 'How many kids did we have killed over there today for no good reason?' she asks. 'Two? Ten? Twenty? Get. Them. Out. Of. There.' It all fits together for Harmon: opposing Bush, opposing corporatism and opposing immigration. 'This whole influx happened because big business wants cheap labor,' she says. 'Just like that war is making corporations a lot of money. And Bush is doing all he can to help them.'

As the temperature over immigration keeps rising, Harmon says she worries about the level of frustration she's hearing, more and more, from other nativists in Tennessee and around the country. 'The most popular formula is, 'soap box, ballot box, ammo box.' They'll X out the first two, like those options are gone and all you can do is arm yourself and get ready. I'm looking at that going, phew! It's going to get ugly.'

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