Monday, August 14, 2006

Hillary Clinton Doesn't Take Cheney "Seriously Anymore" - August 14, 2006

Why doesn't she call for a psych. exam for Cheney and Bush?

All Headline News - Hillary Clinton Doesn't Take Cheney "Seriously Anymore" - August 14, 2006:

Washington, D.C. (AHN) - U.S. Senator and former First Lady, Hillary Clinton (D-NY) says she has lost faith in what Vice President Dick Cheney says about the War on Terror.
Clinton lashed out against Cheney's comments that Ned Lamont's anti-war victory in a Connecticut Democratic primary against pro-Iraq Senator Joe Lieberman was sending a bad signal to terrorists worldwide.

Senator Clinton says, 'I don't take anything he says seriously anymore. I think that he has been a very counterproductive even destructive force in our country and I am very disheartened by the failure of leadership from the president and vice president.'

According to New York Public Radio, WNYC, during a campaign stop in the Bronx yesterday, Clinton accused the administration of shortchanging New York of its homeland security money. A spokeswoman for the vice president said his comments on the importance of a strong national security strategy 'speak for themselves.'

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