Monday, August 14, 2006

Five Years After 9/11, Are We Any Safer?

Hell no we aren't any safer. We are less safe., because Bush and the NeoCons didn't keep their eye on the ball and capture bin Laden and his top commanders.

They had to have their dream of attacking Iraq no matter the cost. That cost has been huge, and promises to onl;y get bigger.

Five Years After 9/11, Are We Any Safer? - Newsweek: World News -

For the moment, at least, it appears that Osama bin Laden has been thwarted in his relentless desire to stage an even grander spectacular than 9/11. But no one can doubt that he, or his successors and many imitators and acolytes, will try again and keep on trying until they succeed. Their ideology may date from the seventh century, but the jihadists, especially bin Laden's sinister No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri, are eager to get control of 21st-century weapons of mass destruction. Five years after 9/11, Al Qaeda's top leaders may have been killed, captured or driven into the caves of Pakistan and Afghanistan, but they still exercise a powerful pull. Bush has made a personal mission of bringing democracy to the tortured Middle East, and his policies may one day succeed. But America's sometimes heavy-handed attempt to stomp out the terrorists with military force has reaped a whirlwind of anti-American hatred in the Middle East and turned Iraq into a terrorist training ground.

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