Monday, August 14, 2006

Davis urges Rumsfeld's ouster

Just about everybody agrees that the demento should resign, so what's the big deal. He isn't going to and ush won't fire him, because he knows too much.

Davis urges Rumsfeld's ouster:

HAMPTON -- U.S. Rep. Jo Ann Davis has joined the growing chorus of those who believe Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld should be out of a job.

'I told my husband that when (Sen.) Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) came out and said he should resign, it's probably the only thing in my life I've ever agreed with Hillary Clinton about,' said Davis, R-Gloucester.

Clinton's call came on Aug. 3 after she dressed down Rumsfeld before a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing.

The unusual aspect of Davis' stance is that she is a Republican. In her most public comments on the issue in her district, Davis said she has felt this way about Rumsfeld for awhile.

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